
Hovard Econodrive is a system to ensure the most efficient performance of your escalators. This device adjusts the speed on an escalator motor so that it is not always running at its maximum speed when there are no passengers on board and therefore wasting electricity. 

Hovard Econodrive are able to automatically adjust the speed integrated with passengers sensor installed within the escalator. When the sensor do not detect any passengers passing, Hovard Econodrive will slow down the motor speed to the desired speed and therefore reducing energy consumption and result in cost saving. 

Hovard Econodrive few benefits includes,

  1. Able to reduce source current when escalator starts operating
  2. Stabilizing electric current consumed by elscalator motor which results in longer lifetime
  3. Reducing more than 60& electricity usage when there are no passengers on board
  4. Increase the lifetime of escalator mechanic parts such as chain, roller, and handrain (when escalator runs at a slower speed will reduce the friction level of the moving mechanics)
  5. Compact and removable product design
  6. Made from the highest quality material
  7. Bypass function enabled to anticipate product malfunction to ensure escalator operations are not interfered (without changing any connection to the system)
  8. Able to move motor with 3 different speed
  9. 2 years limited warranty